When using the inductance coil should pay attention to several points?Dongguan coil factory simple parse them for you:
Coil in the practical application process, the inductance coil with appropriate number of variety on the wrong standard parts, all is according to the need for targeted for winding. Self winding, we should pay attention to the followingpoints:
(1) according to the circuit needs to be selected, winding method:
In the winding hollow inductance coil, according to the circuit requirements,inductance coil frame size and the size of the diameter of the winding way,sure. Between the wound coils are suitable for use in high frequency and ultra high frequency circuit, the ring number less than 3 rings to the 5 circle, can not use the skeleton, can have good properties, high Q value, up to 150 - 400,stability is very high. Close wound coil suitable for short wave, medium wavesingle loop, its Q value can reach 150 - 250, and have high stability.
(2) ensure the coil current carrying capacity and mechanical strength, the selection of appropriate wire:
Coil wire should not be used carefully, to avoid increasing the coil resistance,so that the Q value decreased. At the same time, the wire too small, itscarrying capacity and mechanical strength are small, simple burn or touchbroken. Therefore, in the premise of ensuring the load flow and the mechanical strength of the coil to the next, choose the right wire.
(3) the winding coil tap should be obvious symbol of coil with a tap in theobvious symbol, this is very convenient for installation and repair.
(4) coils with different frequency characteristics of different materials, using themagnetic core.
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