Several coil commonly used
Don't know everyone has to understand the coil, the coil can be divided into many types, each type of coil the application areas are not the same, differentcoil its input and output current is not the same, if coil used furniture torelatively large, anti high temperature, because we use the appliance for cooking then the current output to be larger, so more quickly cooked, so use arelatively large number of coils, anti high temperature, if the fan is we usually use what coil can be smaller, because it needs less power.
Self-adhesive coil single circle is a circle, insulated wire through around thecylinder or bakelite skeleton. Such as the transistor radio wave antenna coil. If the self-adhesive coil winding, the plane is not parallel to the surface of revolution, but intersect at a certain angle, the self-adhesive coil calledhoneycomb coil. The number and rotation, bending to loop, often referred to as discounts. Advantages of honeycomb winding is small, small distributed capacitance and inductance. Honeycomb winding machine for winding coil, the more points, size and core self-adhesive coil inductance distributed capacitance smaller hollow self adhesive ferrite core coil and the iron core coilrelated to the existence of. Insert the ferrite core in tubular coil, inductance coilcan increase factors and improve the quality of copper tube is more importantin the scope of application of ultrashort wave is the core position of the coppercoil distortion is used to change the inductance adjustment more convenient,durable. Color code inductance inductor is fixed inductor, inductance marking method and resistor color ring.
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